1. What are Hugo's Motives ? Why does he manipulate the other characters?
Hugo's motives for his actions are partially to make his Dad value him more as a good basketball player. Throughout his entire plan to kill Mike and Desi he might have assumed the plan would end in Odin's self destruction. He wanted Odin to lose control by consuming his thoughts with Desi cheating on him so that he would have to step down from the team or not be played as much, therefore highlighting himself.  When he hears his Dad say that he only wants Odin to play one more game he whispers "Who's your favourite now?", showing how he is hoping he will now be the team and his Dad's favourite. He manipulates the other characters to get his way, rather than to actually help them and their situations. He is a selfish person, which is why he finds this to be an ok thing to do throughout the story.

2. Why is Odin vulnerable to Hugo's manipulations?
Odin loves Desi so much that when he hears she might be cheating on him, he is destroyed. He wants to learn more, so he listens to what Hugo tells his. Hugo is his only source of information, so he wants to stay close to him in order to gain more insight into Desi and Mike's "affair".  He genuinely thinks Hugo's actions are aimed to  help him and show the truth about Desi because he is close friends with Hugo. He trusts Hugo so he listens to his advice without second guessing it. Although Odin may interpret the presented "evidence" as Desi cheating on him, in reality it is a simple friendship that Hugo has shaped into looking like they are sleeping together.

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